Simple Clothing Store [Web Application]

All Screenshots here (google drive)

Simple Clothing Store Script
Current Version 1.0 (2019)

** please note: this is just a very simple web application for simple stores and small store businesses, so some common features might be not in the application. **

Some features:
- Native/Pure PHP.
- HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, jQuery, PHP.
- jQuery auto-fill modal for items & shareable link (with only front-end! [no need to ajax requests to get more load on the server]).
- Mutli-language (now available with English & Arabic, more will be added soon).
- Search with item id, title, or description.
- You can set any currency you want.
- Unlimited items, categories, pages, orders, admins.
- Item: image, title, description, views, category, price.
- Category: image, title, description, main category/sub categories (with collapse in the site).
- Page: title, content.
- Admin: username, password, pin, state (two rules: admin: can do everything, editor: can add, edit, delete: items, categories, pages. also view, delete orders.) [strong hashing in password & pin].
- Order: item, details.
- User Data: edit your admin/editor data.
- Site Settings: name, description, found year, currency, email, status (maintenance or open).
- Dashboard Stats.: number of (items, categories, orders), visits, total items views, total items price, top viewed item, top price item, your username, your state, your site language.
- Special page for order form.
- Easy to customize, edit & manage.
- Readable code.
- Ready database.

Primo Warehouse